Camino Frances – Day 16 – Carrion de los Condes

Fromista to Carrion de los Condes

Today’s journey on the Camino Francés takes us from Fromista to Carrion de los Condes, covering a distance of approximately 12.3 miles (19.8 kilometers). We begin our walk at an altitude of 2,566 feet (782 meters) and gradually ascend to 2,723 feet (830 meters) by the end of the day. Along the way, we pass through several charming villages, each offering a glimpse into the rural life of this region. From Poblacion de Campos to Revenga de Campos, Villovieco (optional), Villarmentero de Campos, and Villalcazar de Sirga, we soak in the sights and sounds of the Spanish countryside, marveling at the beauty of the landscape and the warmth of the local communities. Join me as we embark on another memorable day on the Camino, filled with discovery, reflection, and the joy of the journey.

Poblacion de Campos

Poblacion de Campos – Street Sign

Revenga de Campos

Camino near Revenga de Campos


Villovieco – Church of Santa Maria

Villarmentero de Campos

Iglesia de San Martin de Villarmentero de Campos

Villalcazar de Sirga

Villalcazar de Sirga

Villalcazar de Sirga – Iglesia de Santa Maria la Blanca

Carrion de los Condes

Ayuntamiento de Carrion de los Condes
Carrion de los Condes – Stork’s Nest on a Church Ruin

Poblacion de Campos – Where to stay – Pilgrims Hostels and Hotels

Poblacion de Campos

Albergue La Finca Poblacion de Campos

Private Hostel – 26 Beds in 1 Room – Reservations by phone at 0034 620785999 – Registration begins at 11:00 AM.

Hotel Amanecer en Campos Poblacion de Campos

Private Hotel – 14 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Villarmentero de Campos – Where to stay – Pilgrims Hostels and Hotels

Villarmentero de Campos – Albergue Amanecer

Albergue Amanecer Villarmentero de Campos

Private Hostel – 20 Beds in 2 Rooms – Private Rooms (Huts) – Reservations by phone at 0034 629178543 – Registration begins at 11:00 AM.

Al Casona de Dona Petra Villarmentero de Campos

Private Hotel – 12 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Villalcazar de Sirga – Where to stay – Pilgrims Hostels and Hotels

Villalcazar de Sirga – Hostal Las Cantigas

Albergue de Vallalcazar de Sirga

Parochial Hostel – 20 Beds in 2 Rooms – Online Reservation – Registration begins at 2:00 PM.

Albergue Don Camino Villalcazar de Sirga

Private Hostel – 26 Beds in 3 Rooms – Online Reservation – Registration begins at 2:00 PM.

Hostal Las Cantigas Villalcazar de Sirga

Private Hotel – 5 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Hostal Infanta Dona Leonor

Private Hotel – 10 Private Rooms – Reservations by phone at 0034 621323536

Carrion de los Condes – Where to stay – Pilgrims Hostels and Hotels

Carrion de los Condes – Albergue Parroquial Santa Maria

Albergue Parroquial Santa Maria del Camino

Parochial Hostel – 52 Beds in 3 Rooms – No Reservation – Registration begins at 12:00 PM.

Albergue Espiritu Santo Carrion de los Condes

Municipal Hostel – 92 Beds in 8 Rooms – No Reservation – Registration begins at 11:30 AM.

Albergue Santa Clara Carrion de los Condes

Parochial Hostel – 29 Beds in 6 Rooms – 8 Private Rooms – Reservations by phone at 0034 979880837 – Registration begins at 11:00 AM.

Albergue Casa de Espiritualidad Nuestra Senora de Belen

Parochial Hostel – 73 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Hostal Santiago Carrion de los Condes

Private Hotel – 16 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Hostal Comfort Suites Carrion de los Condes

Private Hotel – 13 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Hostal Plaza Mayor Carrion de los Condes

Private Hotel – 13 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Hostal Albe Carrion de los Condes

Private Hotel – 8 Private Rooms – Online Reservation

Hostal La Corte Carrion de los Condes

Private Hotel – 14 Private Rooms – Reservations by phone at 0034 979880138

Carrion de los Condes- Hotel Real Monasterio San Zoilo

Hotel Real Monasterio San Zailo Carrion de los Condes

Private Hotel – 47 Private Rooms – 7 Suites – Online Reservation

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